Reach the right side, tap EVERYWHERE to create a block or to erase it, blocks are counted!
Don't go through it, you will die.
Indelible blocks.
The ball will immediately change its direction. Every level starts with the 'right' way.
Tap the dark blocks to erase them, 5 seconds duration.
Lock skeletons into untappable blue blocks.
Tap a cell to teleport there...you better do it next to something!
Tap the skeletrons to erase them, 5 seconds duration.
Create some free space all around the ball, beware: loops!
Get it with the ball, gives you an extra random power. Don't tap it
Tips: While looping, the ball changes direction. Erasing blocks is often the easiest way, but look at the score! One extra life every 5 levels.
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Skeletrons.com di davide biasutto è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale.
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level 1 blocks lives 0 score 0